Join us on July 25-26 for a Green Tara Retreat, including initiation to Green Tara, Sadhana meditation instruction and guided practice with Khenpo Migmar. Khenpo Migmar will incorporate teaching of heart sutra from his book “Wisdom gone Beyond” into the Green Tara Sadhana practice during the two day retreat. Open to all, sadhana will be given.
Tara is the manifestation of the compassion of all the Buddhas. She carries out and accomplishes the enlightened activities of the Buddhas. The practice of Green Tara helps to overcome fear & anxiety and eliminates suffering of all kinds. Green Tara is a well known practice to fulfill one’s wishes, and ultimately to awaken the wisdom within oneself.
Date: July 25-26, 2015
Full retreat: $100 non-members | $80 members
Sessions: 9:30 to noon | 2-4:30 PM
Location: MN Sakya Center
Vegetarian lunch provided
Attending full retreat is highly recommended. If your schedule does not allow you to participate in the full retreat, please attend at least the first session. Space limited, pre-registration recommended. Per session cost: $35 non-members, $30 members. REGISTER NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE:
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Venerable Khenpo Lama Migmar Tseten
Lama Migmar has been serving Harvard-wide student, faculties, and staff as a Buddhist Chaplain since 1997. He received both a traditional and a contemporary education in India. He graduated with an Acharya degree in 1979 from Tibetan Institute of Sanskrit University, Varanasi, India, and with first position every nine years among four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He was awarded a medal for academic excellence by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. He was also recognized as Khenpo for his scholarship and service to the Dharma by His Holiness Sakya Trizin.
Lama Migmar served as the head of Sakya Center in Rajpur, India, and the Sakya Monastery in Puruwalla, India, from 1981 to 1989, taking care of the well being of several hundred monastic residents. During this time he reintroduced the original form of the geshe educational system of Tibet, with degrees from kazhipa up to the rabjampa degree, with a curriculum that included all of the eighteen major texts, which are known as the Dragchen Chogyed.
Additionally, Lama Migmar supervised the editing and publication of over 50 rare volumes of Sakya literature including the 31 volumes of Sakya Lamdre and the rare Golden Manuscripts of the Five Founding Masters of Sakya. He founded Sakya Institute for Buddhist Studies in Cambridge, MA in 1990. He leads retreats at Buddhist centers throughout North America and Europe.
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