His Holiness the Sakya Trichen
Bestowal of the Bodhisattva Vow
Sunday, June 25, 2023
10 AM Central Time (Minnesota, USA)
8:00 AM Los Angeles / 11:00 AM New York / 5:00 PM Zürich /
8:30 PM New Delhi / 11:00 PM Singapore
This is an online event.
Zoom livestream by Sakya Thupten Dargye Ling, the Minnesota Sakya Center
The bodhisattva vow is the altruistic commitment to generate and practice bodhicitta—the mind intent on achieving enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. Upon receiving the vow, we enter the Mahayana (Great Vehicle), practice according to the bodhisattva path to become fully enlightened buddhas, and avoid committing the eighteen root downfalls.
For those who participate in this precious ceremony, please subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates after the program.
His Holiness the Sakya Trichen will teach primarily in English. Simultaneous Chinese (Mandarin) translation will be provided through our Zoom.*
*For translation into other languages, please check with your local Dharma centers if they can provide or recommend translation services. We do not endorse one translation service over another. Other Dharma centers and organizations may register using the above link to join our Zoom, and may restream via their own platform for the sole purpose of providing translation. However, other organizations are not authorized to charge fees in connection with this bodhisattva vow program. Thank you for understanding.
(美國中部時間) 早上10點
洛杉磯早上8點 / 紐約早上11點 / 蘇黎世下午5點 /
新德里晚上 8:30 / 新加坡晚上 11點
*如需其他語言翻譯,請諮詢您當地的中心是否可以提供或推薦翻譯服務。我們對各個中心的翻譯服務一視同仁。 其他中心或組織可以使用上述鏈接註冊加入我們的 Zoom,並可以通過各自的平台同步翻譯並播放。 但是,其他中心或組織無權就此菩薩戒法會收取費用。 謝謝您的理解與配合。
His Holiness the Sakya Trichen is the supreme head of the Buddhist Sakyapa Order and serves as the spiritual director and as a board member of Sakya Thupten Dargye Ling, the Minnesota Sakya Center.
Born in Tibet in 1945, His Holiness is from the noble Khön family—whose predecessors date to the early days of Tibetan history, were disciples of Guru Padmasambhava, and established the Sakya school in the eleventh century. Widely regarded as the living embodiment of Manjushri, he holds the unbroken lineage to an ocean of sutra and tantra teachings. He imparts the Buddhist teachings of wisdom and compassion extensively around the world, and works tirelessly to establish and support monasteries, nunneries, and educational institutions.
尊貴的第四十一任薩迦法王於1945年出生在西藏,出身於高貴的昆氏家族。其先輩可追溯至西藏歷史初期,是蓮花生大士的弟子,並於十一世紀創立了薩迦派。 法王被廣泛認為是文殊菩薩的化身,他擁有經、密教法海洋的不斷續傳承。 他在世界各地廣泛傳播佛陀的智慧與慈悲的教義,並孜孜不倦地致力於建立和支持佛教寺院、尼師院以及教育機構的發展。