His Holiness the Sakya Trichen’s Visit 2019

5/11 @4:30 PM
Rigsum Gompo + Phowa Transmission

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen kindly advised to revise the program on May 11th to Rigsum Gompo (Empowerment of the Three Bodhisattvas) followed by Phowa Transmission.

Rigsum Gompo is the three empowerments of Vajrapani, Manjushri, and Avalokiteshvara. Vajrapani symbolizes the body of all Buddhas of the ten directions and three times and represents enlightened activity. The bodhisattva Manjushri represents mind and wisdom and Avalokiteshvara that of speech and compassion aspect of all Buddhas.

The Phowa practice (transference of consciousness at time of death) is considered one of the most direct and the quickiest path for one to achieve enlightenment in Vajrayana. This is a rare and precious opportunity for both beginners and experienced practitioners to learn about these unique and distinctly different Tibetan Buddhism practices.

5/12 @10 AM-noon
Public Audience (free) མཇལ་ཁ།

>> View and download the digital program.

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen is the manifestation of all the Buddha’s transcendent wisdom. Receiving teachings directly from His Holiness carries a special lineage of blessings from the founders of the Sakya Order, as well as from Manjushri himself.

Initiation Admission: 
Children (4+)/Students with ID–$10/person
*Regular tickets will be sold at the door on May 11th starting at 3 pm.

Sponsorship–$250 (includes 2 VIP tickets)–closed
VIP–$60/person (preferred seating)–closed

Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403