Short Manjushri Prayer


Zon nu ku lu chang wo po
Ye she dron me rap tu sal
Jeg ten sum gyi mun sel wa
Jam pai yang lu cha tsal lo

Possessor of youthful body
Brilliantly blazing lamp of wisdom
Dispeller of the three worlds’ darkness
Prostration to Manjushri



Dedication of Merit

Tse dhen khye kyi khyen rab o ser gyi
Dag lo’i ti mug mon pa rab sal nay
Ka dang ten choe zhung lug tog pa yi
Lo dro pop pai nang wa tsal du sol

Compassionate One, through the light of your wisdom,
May the darkness of my mind be dispelled,
The meaning of the teaching and the commentaries realized
And courageous wisdom be granted.

Ge wa di yi nyur du dag
Phag pa jam pal drup gyur chig
Dro wa chig kyang ma lu pa
De yi sa la goe par shog

By the virtue may I quickly
Realize the exalted state of Manjushri
And thus lead all sentient beings without exception
To the glorious state of Manjushri